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Sparkles and Lightning

Hello all! I'm Annabelle, a (currently inactive but soon to be back) book blogger with a thing for red roses and rain and fictional boys.

Currently reading

The Hobbit or There and Back Again
J.R.R. Tolkien
Civilization and Its Discontents (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Peter Gay
The Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Dark Triumph
Robin LaFevers
Dark Matter Heart
Nathan Wrann
Temptation (Harlequin Teen)
Karen Ann Hopkins
Man's Search for Meaning
Viktor E. Frankl
Illusions - Aprilynne Pike UPDATE:*****WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS*****I read it! And, honestly, while I'd normally rate it probably a three or a four, I'm giving it a five because of the lovely, wonderful, perfect romance between Laurel and Tamani. Finally! Pages 233-236 and 315-318 are my FAVORITES. :)Honestly, I didn't like Yuki at all. She annoyed almost to death. Could. Not. Stand. Her. Clearly, she had some serious issues, and throughout the book, I could not bring myself to like her. At all. I really tried. But I couldn't.I loved loved loved having some of the chapters told from Tam's view!!! It also makes me feel more optimistic that he'll be the one Laurel chooses, because how could she not? He loves her so much, and she's sooooo lucky to have that. Besides, why would Pike feature chapters from his P.O.V. if he's not an important character? Soooo hot. :)What a cliffhanger ending! Not cool at all! But I did like that it ended with Tam's P.O.V. I think I'm even more in love with him than before, if that's possible. ;)-------------------------------I cannot wait for this book to come out! I am so, so excited. After the second book though, both David and Chelsea make me nervous. Can they be trusted? Also, who can wait to see if Laurel will pick Tamani? That's actually the most exciting part…