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Sparkles and Lightning

Hello all! I'm Annabelle, a (currently inactive but soon to be back) book blogger with a thing for red roses and rain and fictional boys.

Currently reading

The Hobbit or There and Back Again
J.R.R. Tolkien
Civilization and Its Discontents (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Peter Gay
The Problems of Philosophy
Bertrand Russell
Dark Triumph
Robin LaFevers
Dark Matter Heart
Nathan Wrann
Temptation (Harlequin Teen)
Karen Ann Hopkins
Man's Search for Meaning
Viktor E. Frankl
Taken - Erin Bowman ***FINAL RATING: 3.40 STARS***CATCHALLI really, really enjoyed Taken, although I've seen so many disappointed reviews. However, this did not keep me personally from truly enjoying it. It definitely had its weak spots, but overall I found the novel to be fun and it definitely brought some new things to the table. I was really excited to read this book, and though it wasn't everything I hoped it it would be I still really, truly loved it.THE HEROGRAYGray is a bit lackluster at times, but despite that I still really like him. I love that we have a male protagonist in this book, since before I read it I expected a girl. But Gray's perspective is insightful, and though his personality is somewhat lacking I do like him. He doesn't let people walk all over him, he's determined, and he's loyal but also can be suspicious. He has his faults, but so too do he have his virtues. He's not a perfect character, and there's definitely room for improvement, and I can't wait to see what happens to him next.THE LOVE INTERESTEMMAEmma seemed really sweet at first, and though she wasn't particularly compelling I liked her well enough. Then later on she went and did something really stupid. I do understand that she was hurt and feeling lost, but that doesn't excuse everything. I think she could redeem herself, but she's going to have to work to get there. At the moment she's definitely not on my good side, and she needs more development too, but I don't think her role is over.BRIEBrie is introduced as a tough girl who doesn't need anyone or anything, but as is usually the case with such characters, she's actually much more vulnerable on the inside. She's suffered a lot, and though she doesn't open up as much as I would have liked, we do see different sides of her, and I like her a lot more than Emma. She doesn't want to be weak, but she's still only human.THE PLOTTaken had a promising plot from the beginning. Um, hello, disappeared men? How is that not absolutely fascinating? And it only got more intense as the mystery that was built at the beginning of the novel unravels. It was solved a bit too quickly for my taste, but okay. I can forgive something like that.The pacing overall bothered me, actually, and it was kind of hard to keep the timing straight. Sometimes things seemed to be brushed over when they should have had more detail, and other times some things were dragged out pointlessly for so long that I got annoyed and really bored.Even so, it was a really entertaining story that kept me turning the pages. I enjoyed the premise and I liked the way it was played out. I think sometimes there were random elements thrown in that I didn't necessarily like but overall it was satisfying. I really feel like it brought some new ideas to the table and I especially liked the fact that it didn't seem overly formulaic, at least as far as the main plot goes.The world building, unfortunately, was lacking. There was little that was explained to my satisfaction. It seemed rushed and like something we were supposed to just understand. However, I didn't. This didn't keep me from liking the world, but I just didn't feel like I really knew enough about it.Even so, despite its faults, I thought that this was an excellent, really fun book. I truly loved it, and it was pleasant and intense and unputdownable.THE ROMANCEI didn't realize this was going to be a love triangle (maybe a square?) for the longest time, so at the beginning I thought it was going to be only Gray and Emma. They have something, definitely, but Emma seems to not really be interested in him until he's the only guy available, and she seems to have no problem moving on. What Gray and Brie have felt more genuine, and I really liked the way the tension built up between them.THE WRITINGI really love Erin's writing. Gray isn't the most reliable narrator, and a lot of time his judgement is clearly crowded, but sometimes that is just how things are. Everything is described in detail without feeling superfluous, and I really think that although the characters should have been fleshed out more that everything that was described always used the most beautiful language.THE ENDINGI honestly thought it could have ended on a better note. The cliffhanger felt kind of forced, and although I understand why that's where Erin chose to end the book it just didn't work for me personally. I don't think it's all bad, but I just couldn't seem to accept it. There were too many questions that I felt left with.WRAPUPDespite the fact that it fell sort of my expectations in some ways, I still loved Taken, so don't get me wrong. It's certainly not a book for everyone, but no book is, and I am definitely eager to read the second installment. I would recommend this to dystopian fans who are willing to deal with some faults. It's a truly awesome novel, and I'd hate for it not to receive the recognition it deserves.FINE.Find more of my reviews on Sparkles and Lightning!